If, for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us in the original packaging for an exchange or refund within 14 days of receiving the item. Unless the return is a result of our error or damage during shipping, we do not credit the original or return shipping costs.
To make a return, please email [email protected] for a return authorization ID before you send back the item. Items without a return authorization ID cannot be accepted. Scarlet Tassel is not responsible for missing packages or any damage that occurs during return shipping. We encourage you to pack and seal the merchandise safely and securely in its original packaging. We recommend insuring the item for its full value. Once we receive the merchandise, the return will be processed within 72 hours and you will receive a confirmation e-mail with either your refund information or an order confirmation for the item you have requested in exchange.
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Scarlet Tassel Gift & Home
27 S. Pleasantburg Dr., #110
Greenville, SC 29607
MON – FRI: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
SAT: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.